Welcome to the School of Arts and Sciences at Buffalo State

Kelly Frothingham

Welcome to the School of Arts and Science at Buffalo State. This is the largest school on campus - and provides opportunities for faculty from diverse disciplines to work together in unique and interdisciplinary ways to provide a modern take on the classic Liberal Arts education.

I'm Interim Dean Kelly M. Frothingham, and our mission in the School of Arts and Sciences is to help transform lives through rigorous scholarship, artistic expression and engaged global citizenship.

We will provide you with the experience, skills, and education you need for success in whatever you choose to do and to help you be a lifelong learner able to adapt to the ever-changing world. We offer outstanding courses taught by a student-centered faculty. We offer undergraduate research experiences, internships, and service-learning opportunities to have a high impact on your learning experience. We will help you understand how the world around you - whether natural or created - is beautiful and ordered. We will help you apply what you learn in our classes to situations and scenarios you have yet to imagine.  We will help you explore topics you may not have known even existed.

Whether you interact with us only through General Education or through the almost 100 certificates and degrees we offer I know you will find that we have excellent facilities and a faculty focused on quality undergraduate and master's level education. Your success is our success and undergraduate students are the core of what we do - not an afterthought as they might be at a University Center.

We embrace diversity and prepare students to be tolerant informed citizens of the global community. We will help you believe in what's possible. We will help inspire you to reach for more. And we will help you achieve your personal and professional goals and fight for social justice to help others achieve their goals.

The dean's office doors in Rockwell 222 are always open and our friendly staff will help you with signatures or other issues especially if your department office is closed.

Welcome to the School of Arts and Sciences at SUNY Buffalo State - We are glad you are here.

Kelly M. Frothingham
Dean, School of Arts and Sciences