Syllabus Statements
Students who need accommodations to complete the requirements and expectations of this course because of a disability are invited to make their needs known to the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Office, E. H. Butler Library 160, (716) 878-4500, email or complete their request by filling out the Initial Accommodation Request form.
Students registered with SAS should use the Accommodate Portal to submit their "Semester Request" (Letter of Accommodation) every semester. This letter informs faculty of the student's academic accommodations.
The University offers students assistance with writing, math, content-area tutoring, and general study skills through our Academic Center for Excellence.
All students at the University are expected to display honesty and integrity in completing course requirements and following university academic regulations. “Academic misconduct” refers to any form of plagiarism, fraud, or cheating in connection with academic coursework and is inconsistent with the aims and goals of Buffalo State University.
On Plagiarism: Student guidelines on avoiding plagiarism are available at Butler Library: Avoiding Plagiarism
Students should be aware of the appropriate processes for complaints, grievances, and appeals. Find the University's policy here.
Disruptive behavior (cell phones, talking, noise, tardiness, etc.) by students in class will not be tolerated. If an instructor deems a student to be acting in a disruptive or threatening manner, they can exercise their right to ask that individual to leave the classroom. If refused, they can exercise their right to notify University Police. The responding officer will determine whether an arrest should be made or whether a referral to medical or counseling staff is appropriate. If a student is perceived as a danger to themselves or others, the Dean of Students may propose an interim suspension until a hearing is held. Any student removed from class will have the right to a hearing.